February 19, 2016 – Neighborhood Update
The 606 Bloomingdale Trail Homeowners Program:
Are you a Humboldt area homeowner around The 606 in need of home improvements? Take advantage of a forgivable loan — up to $25,000 — for modest-income homeowners through The 606 Bloomingdale Trail Homeowners Program from Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS).
If you own a single family home or up to a 4-unit dwelling, NHS can provide a forgivable loan to eligible applicants for improvements to your home, including: plumbing, electrical, heating, a new roof, porch, windows and other exterior work.
NHS is awarding applications on a first-come-first-serve basis, so download your application now. Applications can also be picked up at the West Humboldt Park NHS office located at 3601 W. Chicago Ave. Questions? Call John Groene at (773) 533-5570, ext 4802.
Geographic, income, owner-occupied and other restrictions apply. The 606 Bloomingdale Trail Homeowners forgivable loan requires that you live in the funded property for 4 years from the start of the loan. Of course, if you sell or refinance your home for equity cash then the loan must be repaid.
General Information:
Please observe all posted signage and check our website for the latest information. And, join us on Facebook and Twitter.
Neighborhood and construction updates are posted on The 606 website under News for Neighbors. Use the link at the website to join The 606 email list for construction and other updates. Call (312) 742-4622 with questions or concerns.