For the Love of Stars- Mercury Transit- CANCELLED

Exelon Observatory, 1800 N. Ridgeway


A rare astronomical event is in store for The 606 on the morning of November 11, 2019.

The planet Mercury will slide across the Solar Disk in a “Transit” event.

The Chicago Astronomer will set up telescopes to safely observe and share this rare event- catching the midpoint and conclusion of this 6 hour-long event.  Trail visitors will observe the Mercury transit via the largest mobile public telescope – an 11″ white light filtered instrument and a very special Hydrogen-Alpha telescope that will enable direct viewing of solar prominences and flares. A tv monitor will be used to project the transit image for group views and for ease of taking pictures.

This very rare event occurs only 13 times a century. The last Mercury Transit was May 9, 2019, and the next one will be November 13, 2032, so be sure you catch this one!

In case of inclement weather, the event will be canceled.